Must read and featured news and legal insights from Odegaard Injury Lawyers.
Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Accident Safety
Car accidents involving uninsured or underinsured motorists are a common occurrence. Victims in these accidents often find themselves facing significant medical bills and other financial burdens.
News Workers Compensation Personal Injury
Partner attorney Paul Odegaard is recognized by peer reviewed Best Lawyers for the award of Best Lawyers in America for 2025.
News Workers Compensation Personal Injury
Partner attorney Paul Odegaard is recognized by peer reviewed Best Lawyers for the award of Best Lawyers in America for 2024.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Fatality numbers have increased in part due to the lack of seat belts being worn with risky behavior like speeding, impaired driving, and being distracted.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Fatalities grew in 27 states in the first half of 2020, despite a large drop in traffic volume during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Winters in Montana can be severe making it both frightening and dangerous for driving. Our car accident lawyers have the following suggestions.
Ridley Series Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Our Montana car accident lawyers are well versed in the unique car accident laws in Montana and are here to help you.
Ridley Series Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Montana motor vehicle accident laws are unique because of the Ridley decision. Our car accident lawyers have experience helping victims receive proper care.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
As COVID-19 stay-at-home orders begin to lift and Montanans are traveling more, it is crucial to remember driving safety.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
A cognitive distraction can be just as dangerous as a manual or visual one.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Whiplash can have different levels of severity - including a serious injury with long-term disabilities.
Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Accident
If you're involved in a car accident, what do you do if the other person doesn't have insurance? Or, not enough insurance?
Workers Compensation Personal Injury Workplace Injury
After sustaining an injury at work, it can be difficult to determine the best course of action to ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve for recovery. It's easy to get overwheled by the distictions between workers' compensation and personal injury and what your options are.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
In Montana, distracted driving is a leading cause of traffic accident injuries and fatalities. Efforts have been presented to ban minors for texting, sending, or reading written communication while operating a motor vehicle. What does this mean for you?
This non-economic damage can be difficult to calculate; however, insurance companies have two methods for determining this payout.
Personal Injury Workers Compensation
From miscommunication issues to a lack of transparency, you may encounter several issues that indicate you need a better lawyer.
Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Accident Workplace Injury
What is the difference between complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries? Often these injuries have a devastating impact on an injury victim's life, career, and phychological condition.
As your medical bills start piling up, you may start wondering who you can turn to for immediate financial assistance. Fortunately, Medicare will cover any medical expenses related to your personal injury claim. However, there are certain rules and procedures you must follow if you want to benefit from this program.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Overloading occurs when a truck is so heavy that it exceeds the weight limits imposed by the FMCSA. But, what are these limits and how do they impact an injury claim?
Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Accident
Even though they are separate conditions, contusions and concussions have several similarities.
Motor Vehicle Accident Personal Injury
Liability in trucking accidents is one of the primary concerns when facing injuries and property damage from the large or commercial truck that destroys the car and leads to physical injury.
Workers Compensation Personal Injury
Coal miners work long hours and is considered one of the most dangerous professions. When an injury occurs, the best action to do right away is seek medical attention.
Workers Compensation Workplace Injury Personal Injury
Between continuous motion, heavy lifting, and dangerous conditions, accidents in the workplace may happen at any time. If you or a loved one has sustained an injury while on the clock, you may be able to file a workers' comp claim.
What is Super Lawyers and what does it mean for you for your personal injury case?
Wrongful Death Personal Injury Workers Compensation
If you were injured in an accident caused by someone's else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. There are two types of damages you may recover as a plaintiff: compensatory damages and punitive damages.